The Moon Manifestation program is an absolute game-changer. In a world with so much distraction and noise, I have found clarity and direction - for myself. I have been able to put pen to paper, write down what I want and have GHR/Tara's guidance to receive it. The cycles of the moon and regular updates from GHR/Tara keep you focused on your manifestation. I love learning about the different moon energies and moon cycles and being aware of how much influence they really have on us.
The booklets and materials are beautiful and continue to evolve. The meditations open up your imagination to dream. I look forward to each monthly workshop. What I'm most grateful for is to be able to answer the question "What do you want?" instead of creating by default.
- K.B.
"Your skill has endeared you into many hearts. I admire you for your humility, your diligence and your unwavering purpose. In such a short period of time, you have shown me to be a more effective human being.
Thank you so much for your support, encouragement, and guiding me on the right path.
I will always be thankful!🙏🏼💛"
- A.G.
"This program is Legendary! From day one I was able to see the benefits and start calling it in.
I have watched myself align with my purpose. I clearly see the vision of my readings. I am living my best life! I feel different driven, clear, confident, excited! Ready to leave my old life behind. This totally works! I have received three unexpected checks, my pay checks have grown, I am calling in abundance and it is showing up!
Tara taught me to release blockages and old energy I didn’t even know I was carrying. Once I let it go, I stopped holding back. I jumped into immediate success. I released a fear about being an expert and the next day I got an invitation to speak on a panel of experts!
This is powerful! I have learned how I respond to the different moon phases. I can see when I am productive, excited, tired, emotional and creative. Maximizing my life!
I love the readings they are like a map of my life! I am on the edge of my seat with excitement for what is to come.
Tara is phenomenal she truly cares for my well-being. She is very encouraging, patient, and clear. By following her instructions, I am now putting my thoughts into practice. She has opened up my life to huge success. Love is on the way! I have zero doubts.
If you want to live a life of your dreams, do this program! You will be as I am eternally grateful!
Thank you Tara for showing me the life I have always wanted and exactly how to get it. I am very happy to know you. I appreciate everything you have done for me! I will have you as my guide forever! Grateful for you."
❤ C.W.
"Through the program and Tara’s coaching, I was able to manifest everything I had intended and then some even before the program concluded!
Tara showed me so much about the Moon cycles and energies around each cycle! It helped me interpret my energies, feelings, and experiences I’ve had in the past. I had no idea how powerful this plays out in our world/lives.
I am very surprised that everything I had intended showed up and was even better than I had expected.
Now I know how this works, I am excited to do it again, because the outcomes are endless and powerful!!"
- C.W.
"Tara’s new moon program was deeply transformative. My manifestations came to life, and it was so helpful to have her ongoing support and readings to check in and remind me of my vision.
I was able to manifest and accomplish things that I have always struggled with, it is seriously powerful stuff!"
- E.B.
"I have enjoyed the Moon manifestation guide so much. Not just enjoyed, I have progressed. Many people are skeptical if tarot reading works because they expect a magic pill to tell them their dreams will come true. It's not the case. Like anything in life, if you don't put in real, hard effort to change your future, it won't. A card won't change it. You will.
Tara's readings helped to provide me with a strategic plan for moving forward, as well as checking in with myself. I had time to stop in my day and reflect on how I felt. She texted me with new readings and asked me how I felt, which really made me feel like she cared a lot about my progress, which in turn kept me accountable. The readings are a guide, a potential. And you are the hero who must fulfil the potential with actionable plans. Tara helped me to identify my fears, to dig deeper and to see what were truly my blockages. Once cleared, I had a lucid mind to plan and execute how I'd achieve what the cards promised.
I have now set aside more time to fulfil my aspirations. I put myself first and have become more consistent in the steps I take to achieve what I dream. More than anything, I am in tune with myself and I am at peace. This is no easy journey, but Tara holds your hand along the way. A true Golden Heart Guide!!!"
- C.C.
"Tara's Moon Manifestation Program is literally transforming my life, and I couldn't be more grateful. This program is a gem and is one-of-a-kind: it uniquely blends astrology, tarot, and Tara's loving intuitive guidance as you create an intention for the month's moon cycle and take very specific actions (intention setting, reflection/journaling, meditation, inspired action, identifying and releasing blocks, etc) to manifest your vision.
All of this work is done in conjunction with the energy of the moon's cycles, which allows for potent transformation, growth, and learning. I have been working with Tara for the last 2 moon cycles (and plan to join in for future months), and I have never experienced so much shift while receiving so much support.
This program has been helping me shift a lot of difficult emotional energy that came with my business closing during the pandemic and is helping me rediscover myself, my passion, and the gifts I have to share with the world. What I love most about the program is that you have to SHOW UP - this is not a passive program where you absorb wisdom from a teacher, set an intention, and then hope for the best. Instead, Tara helps you align with the moon's energies with very specific meditation/journaling prompts to create and stay focused on your vision, take action, and release what isn't serving you.
Tara's accompanying Moon Cycle Tarot readings are SO spot on, and I'm always left feeling clear on the energy that's showing up and areas I need to focus on, and how I can best support myself and take action. Truly, there's no better feeling than taking conscious steps forward in your life while being fully supported by a lightworker with a HUGE heart - that's Tara!!
Join us in the Moon Manifestation Program - you will not regret it! You might just manifest your dreams instead :-)."
- S.W.
You’ll think it’s a miracle but actually - it’s simply manifestation and tuning in!!!
Tara’s readings and workshops have greatly improved my life and ability to manifest. I started watching her videos and after several back-to-back accurate readings, I decided to take one of her workshops and start manifesting with the moon.
My desired outcome was to be a homeowner, which seems like a crazy big request but if you’re going to pay for a course, go big or go home - in my case, do both! I had my doubts of course but I continued to stay open to possibility, visualizing my home and following the course.
And in an almost impossible market to get into for a first-time homeowner - we landed a home!!! No joke. It is a crazy story to tell - everything worked out seamlessly in our favour. But I will say I was willing to take the action and I push past my doubts. So if you are a believer in manifestation, I would highly recommend Tara at Golden Heart Rising."
"I completed the Moon Guide with Tara with the goal of gaining more clarity and perspective about my direction in life. I was deeply dissatisfied with my career and looked for a change. With Tara's help, and the Moon Guide, I became more empowered in discovering myself and the path/actions I needed to take.
The Moon Guide kept me accountable and Tara's gentle help and awesome readings every week kept me on track and accountable. I loved discussing my fears, blocks, hopes and desires with Tara before and after our readings and I felt as though her understanding and wisdom has helped me to re-align my life path according to my heart.
Tara also helped me dig deeper into aspects of myself that I've feared or were hurting. Gently, and with her help, I opened up my heart more and finally received clarity and clearer perspective about where I need to go.
For anyone who wants a quick fix, this is not for you. For anyone who wishes to spend time with themselves, to learn about themselves and to work hard on themselves with the guide of a professional, this is for you."
- C.C.
"I was going to seek professional help from a therapist but now I feel as if I don't need one. This program keeps me focused, it keeps me having faith in myself and everything I want to do!"
- S.W.
"I completed the 6-month program and learned SO much about working with the moon as it allowed me to deepen my practices. Everything that I've been manifesting over the year is ALL showing up! It's almost overwhelming!
The program Tara created will remain part of my personal development and growth. I'm so grateful."
- R.J.
"Tara's Moon Program opened up an entirely new way of creating and receiving my manifestations. Her easy-to-follow format, consistent guidance and check-ins are helping me remove lifelong blockages and turning my dream business into a reality faster than I thought possible!"
- D.M
"Over the past 6 months working with the guidance of Tara has led me to find a great love after searching for many years. Her guidance, vision, and meditations helped me to focus on receiving. I realized that receiving was easier than I expected!"
- V.F.